Hypothyroidism Diet, What is recommended?

Published on by adamhqross

It is easy to make up our own plan of diet when we think we are gaining or losing weight. It is easy to read about proper dieting or watch self-help videos to improve your health problems. But if you have hypothyroidism, it is recommended to stick to a hypothyroidism diet. So what is included in a hypothyroidism diet? Here is the recommended diet for those who suffer from this condition.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, then include iodine in your diet. This is a very important mineral that is needed by the thyroid glands. Iodine helps stimulate the thyroid glands’ activity and therefore stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. Adding Vitamin B in your diet is also one way to help your thyroid glands. You can obtain Vitamin B from vegetables and seaweeds. Antioxidants like tomatoes, berries, squash, fresh fruits and vegetables are also needed by the body to combat toxins. Thyroid problems are usually caused by the pollutants we have in our environment. By eating fresh fruits and vegetables, you have enough antioxidants to help clean the toxins in your body.

Essential fats are also important to your body. You can obtain them from olive oil and coconut oil. Keep in mind that some oils contain bad cholesterol that is bad for your health. So avoid eating fried and fatty foods.  Taking supplements for hypothyroidism is also important and must be included in the food that you eat. L-tyrosine and fish oil is the best kind of supplement that you can have if you are suffering from this condition.

If you want to be sure about what kind of diet you should have then it is best that you talk to a dietitian. This way you are sure of your own food intake.

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